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Mark van Roojen's (As Yet) Unpublished Philosophy Papers Page

With Updated Content!

I'm Mark van Roojen, a professor of philosophy at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln. This page has drafts of some of my unpublished papers for you to download if you like.

Papers in Progress

Evolutionary Debunking, Realism and Anthropocentric Metasemantics forthcoming in Diego Machuca (ed.) Moral Skepticism: New Essays, Routledge Studies in Ethics and Moral Theory (New York: Routledge, 2017?)

Papers I Don't Expect to Publish

Consequents of True Practical Conditionals Detach from the first Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress in 2008. I now think that the issue is not really about conditionals, but instead about practical reasoning. So the thesis should really be that if you are going to use conditionals to talk about practical rationality, you should use conditionals which allow detachment. (Note that that description of the point is itself an instance of the phenomenon under discussion.)

A New Argument for the Maximin Principle draft of July 2007.

I first wrote this in the middle 1990s and could never get any journals to like it much, partly because of length. Eventually I presented a shorter version of the argument in Bled in Summer 2008 and that version is now out in Acta Analytica and it is on my published papers page. The version here is different enough that I'm leaving it up here. It has the great virtue of obliquely ridiculing Donald Trump long before he became president.

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